Winter & Summer Programs

Please use this information as a planning guide of various programs and tentative application dates. If you are aware of any additional programs we can add to our list to maximize student possibilities please forward to

** The deadlines for red highlights have already past and will be updated after they publish their 2025 dates/costs. Please familiarize yourself with available programs so you can identify your interest, know the requirements, and be ready to apply when application is published and/or comes back around the following year.

Technology Awareness Program (TAP)

Program Grades: Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors

TAP is designed to introduce minority students to the field of technology and information systems.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024 by 5:00 pm
Program Dates: June 23-28, 2024
Program Costs: Awaiting pricing information

AEGIS Summer Camp: Project Wet n' Wild

Program Grades: Rising Sophomores and Juniors

Project Wet‘n’Wild will be held at Ozark Natural Science Center (ONSC), an outdoor science education facility located deep in the Ozark Mountains where students have the opportunity for a chance to assist field scientists as they gather data and explore a variety of habitats in the Ozark Natural Division.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 15-28, 2024​

Syracuse Summer Pre-College: On-Campus, Online, and On-Location

Program Grades: Ages 15+

Take classes online, on-campus, or on-location through Syracuse University.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: Dates vary depending on program
Program Costs: $65 application fee; merit scholarships, need-based scholarships, and discounts available. Costs vary depending on program.

UCA/Acxiom IT Careers Camp

Program Grades: Rising 9th-12th grade

This program allows students to experience college life while exploring IT-related majors and career opportunities.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: June 4-7, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Lab Science Investigation: Antimicrobial Resistance

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 high school graduate

In the Tufts Lab Science Investigations: Antimicrobial Resistance, you will become a researcher working to understand the challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and antibiotic stewardship.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 7-19, 2024
Program Costs:

Commuter: $5,000
Residential: $6,500
Materials Fee: $200

Coding Academy

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

This coding program supplements daily coding lectures with a diverse range of faculty guest lectures on topics like the history of programming and introductions to AI, Robotics, and Cybersecurity.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 21, 2024 - August 2, 2024
Program Costs:

Commuter: $4,000
Residential: $5,500

Engineering Design Lab

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

The Engineering Design Lab program will expose students to engineering, fabrication, robotics, and computation in the context of solving real world problems.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates:

Session 1: July 7-19, 2024
Session 2: July 21 - August 2, 2024

Program Costs:

Commuter: $4,000
Residential: $5,500
Materials Fee: $200

Mini Med School: Careers in Medicine

Program Grades: Entering grades 11th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate; must be 16 years of age by program start date

This summer intensive provides students who are interested in medical school or other health professions the opportunity to experience what it takes to study medical sciences.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 7-19, 2024
Program Costs:

Commuter: $5,000
Residential: $6,500
Materials Fee: $100

Engineering Investigations

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

The Engineering Investigations program is designed to provide an introduction to various disciplines within the broad field of engineering.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates:

Session 1: July 7-19, 2024
Session 2: July 21 - August 2, 2024

Program Costs:

Commuter: $4,000
Residential: $5,500
Materials fee: $200

Climate Resilience Institute

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

Topics in this program span from resilient water infrastructure to climate activism and environmental justice. Working in small teams, students will identify a socio-environmental research question, gather and analyze data on the subject, and synthesize their findings into a college-level capstone project.

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 21, 2024 - August 2, 2024
Program Costs:

Commuter: $4,000
Residential: $5,500

Tufts Summer Accelerator

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

This Pre-College summer program for high school students is designed to provide students with a chance to immerse themselves in the undergraduate experience, allowing highly motivated students to engage in their own academic interests and develop their own ideas

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024
Program Dates:

Session 1: July 7-19, 2024
Session 2: July 21 - August 2, 2024

Program Costs: Limited need-based scholarships available

Commuter 1 Session: $4,000
Commuter 2 Sessions: $6,800

Residential 1 Session: $5,500
Residential 2 Sessions: $9,350

Virtual 1 Session: $3,800
Virtual 2 Sessions: $6,640

Adventures in Veterinary Medicine

Program Grades: Entering grades 10th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate

This program is an engaging way for students to spend two weeks learning about the veterinary profession.

Application Deadline:

Priority Deadline for both sessions: February 15, 2024
Standard deadline: May 1, 2024

Program Dates:

Session 1: July 7-19, 2024
Session 2: July 21 - August 2, 2024

Program Costs:

Commuter: $4,500
Residential: $6,000

Tufts Summer Research Experience

Program Grades: Entering grades 11th-12th OR Spring 2024 graduate; Must be at least 16 by program start

Tufts welcomes students with prior research experience to join them for a semester under active mentorship by one of Tufts’ world-class researchers to learn hands-on laboratory techniques and/or data and processing skills.

Application Deadline:

Priority Deadline: February 15, 2024
Standard deadline: May 1, 2024

Program Dates: July 1, 2024 - August 9, 2024
Program Costs:

Commuter: $8,000
Residential: $11,250
Virtual: $7,500
Materials Fee: $200

Cornell Precollege Summer Programs

Program Grades: Rising high school juniors and seniors; age 15+

Get a head start on college by earning credits.

Application Deadline: May 5, 2024
Program Dates: June 3, 2024 - August 6, 2024
Program Costs: $1,750 per credit hour (Limited financial aid available)

iResearch Institute

Program Grades: High school students

Students will receive a one-on-one project mentorship from experienced mentors and complete a research project with assistance from undergraduates, graduate students, and PhDs.

Application Deadline: February 29, 2024 (Early Decision); May 7, 2024 (Regular Decision)
Program Dates: June 24 - July 26, 2024
Program Costs: $6,978; scholarships available

Mini Med School: Clinical Experiences

Program Grades: Entering grades 11th-12th in Fall 2024 OR Spring 2024 graduate; must be 16 years old by program start date

This one-week summer intensive provides driven students who are interested in medical, dental, or veterinary school (or in other health professions) the opportunity to experience a range of hands-on clinical skills at one of the nation’s leading medical schools.

Application Deadline: May 15, 2024
Program Dates:

Session 1: June 24-28, 2024 (COMMUTER ONLY)
Session 2: July 21-26, 2024

Program Costs: 

Commuter: $3,400
Residential: $4,200
Materials Fee: $100

Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute

Program Grades: 10th - 12th

ESSYI focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues and the complexity of potential solutions.

Application Deadline: June 15, 2024
Program Dates: July 14-27, 2024
Program Costs: $3,900 plus a $500 deposit fee

Colorado Pre-College Program

Program Grades: Rising high school juniors and seniors

Have the Colorado College experience while also working towards college credit.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024 (or July 1, 2024 with application fee)

Program Dates: July 8-24, 2024

Program Costs: $6,983-$7,009 (plus an application fee if submitted after March 1st)

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)

Program Grades: Juniors

The opportunity to participate in hands-on research at UAMS during the year (Wednesday and Friday afternoons) and in the summer. Currently, students from the Life Science Capstone apply and are selected based on merit to be placed in a laboratory researching the latest breakthroughs in molecular biology and cancer research using state-of-the art equipment and biotechnology.

Application Deadline: Application Open Date and Deadline: August 10th and August 20th of each year
Program Dates: October 15 - July 31

See Dr. Krakowiak or Dr. Holden for more information.

NASA Pathways Internships

Program Grades: Ages 16+

Students can apply to for an internship at NASA in a variety of disciplines. All Pathways internship vacancy announcements are posted on

Application Deadline: Pathways Intern Program open in the spring and fall each year

Wake Forest University Online Immersion Program 

Program Grades: 9th-12th grade

Wake Forest's Online Immersion Program allows students to explore their interests before college.

Application Deadline: Begins November 1st with no hard deadline; open until full
Program Dates: Offered throughout the year
Program Costs: $2,800 - $3,000

Engineering Summer Academy 

Program Grades: Rising 10th-12th grade

This is a residential program that offers in-depth insight into various engineering disciplines. Students will learn about the methods and studies being actively employed in these fields.

Application Deadline: All programs are currently full; waitlist is available
Program Dates: June 23-29, 2024
Program Costs: $675; scholarships available

Idyllwild Art Summer Teen Programs

Program Grades: Depends on program chosen

Engage in various enriching programs in STEM, art, film, music, and more.

Application Deadline: Varies based on program
Program Dates: Depends on program chosen
Program Costs: Depends on program chosen

Design Camp 

Program Grades: Varies by camp

This program provides an introduction to design professions via hands-on projects and virtual tours.

Application Deadline: Varies by camp
Program Dates: Varies by camps
Program Costs: Varies by camp

MASH Summer Enrichment Program

Program Grades: Sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Explore the world of health careers first hand with this program, held throughout various parts of the state. See website for more information.

Application Deadline: Varies by location
Program Dates: 5-12 days ranging from June 3-28; varies by location
Program Costs: Free

Badger Precollege

Program Grades: High school students

Badger Precollege is an immersive college-prep program that allows students in grades 9-12 to take college-level courses in an area of interest of their choosing.

Application Deadline: Varies by program
Program Dates: Varies by program
Program Costs: Prices vary depending on the program, but can range from $800 to $4,300

Student Conservation Association - National Crews

Program Grades: High school students and graduating seniors ages 15-19

National Crews gives students the opportunity to work on parks restoration projects and trail maintenance in crews of 6-8 students. Students learn outdoor skills and learn about ecology and the environment.

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis; see website for more information
Program Dates: See website for more information
Program Costs: Free; participants are responsible for transportation and gear

MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute

Program Grades: Rising Freshman to Rising Senior

BWSI teaches STEM project-based programs to help advance the engineers of tomorrow. The process to apply to attend BWSI is multi-step - students must register for online courses first - if not registered for online courses students will not be able to apply to summer portion of the program.

Application Deadline: The online course registrations are processed on a rolling basis. To apply for the Summer Institute, students must reach the online course benchmark to be considered by March 31, 2024.
Program Dates:

Online Courses: February 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024
Summer Program: July 8, 2024 - August 4, 2024

Program Costs:

The online prerequisite courses are free and available for all with registration.
BWSI will be charging a fee in 2024 for the Summer program, check website for more information.

Michigan Math and Science Scholars

Program Grades: Rising Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors by the time of the program

This program is designed to offer a pre-college experience exposing students to a breadth of curricula offered at the University of Michigan while introducing high school students to current developments and research in the sciences.

Application Deadline: Applications Open on Rolling Basis until Full

Program Dates:

Session 1: June 23, 2024 - July 5, 2024
Session 2: July 7-19, 2024
Session 3: July 21, 2024 - August 2, 2024

Program Costs: Financial aid is limited and need-based.

Application fee: $100
Tuition: $1,300
Residential Stay: $1,000

University of Arkansas at Fayetteville - Engineering Program

Program Grades: Students who have recently completed 9th, 10th, or 11th grades

This intensive summer academy provides students with the opportunity for in-depth exploration into a concept that crosses engineering disciplines.

Application Deadline: Applications Open, Limited spots available

Program Dates: July 23-29, 2024

Program Costs: $675 for the entire week (Need based scholarships may be available)

See Mr. Thompson for more information.


Program Grades: High school students

HCSSiM is a six-week encounter with college-level mathematics for talented and highly motivated high school students. Participants spend a major portion of each day actively engaged in doing mathematics.

Application Deadline: Applications Open, Limited spots available

Program Dates: June 30, 2024 – August 10th, 2024

Program Costs: The cost for the program is $5882 (Financial aid available)

UKMC Pharmacy Camps 

Program Grades: 9th grade and older

Engage with current faculty and practicing pharmacists, view experiments in the lab, and interact with current students to find out what it's like to be a pharmacy student at UMKC.

Application Deadline: N/A
Program Dates: 

Columbia - June 7, 2024

Springfield - June 21, 2024

Kansas City - June 28, 2024

Program Costs: $40

Wentworth Institute of Technology Pre-College Program 

Program Grades: Varies by program

Wentworth Institute of Technology offers a variety of programs in the summer and during the school year.

Application Deadline: Varies by program
Program Dates: Varies by program
Program Costs: Varies by program

Rice ELITE Tech Camp 

Program Grades: 9th-12th grade

For up to a week in the summer, study advanced engineering at Rice University, UCLA, or Emory University.

Application Deadline: Rolling Applications
Program Dates: Varies by location and session chosen; see website for more details
Program Costs:

Residential Camp: $3,795

Commuter Camp: $1,695

Virtual Camp: $695

Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation Pre-College Programs 

Program Grades: High school students and recently-graduated high school students

Take advanced engineering courses through Johns Hopkins University online or in-person at various locations in Maryland.

Application Deadline: Rolling
Program Dates: Varies by program
Program Costs: Varies by program and location


Program Grades: Elementary school students through high school students

Explore different career opportunities.

Application Deadline: Varies by program
Program Dates: Varies by program
Program Costs: Varies by program

Code Wizard HQ 

Program Grades: High school students

Attend courses to begin learning Python.

Application Deadline: Varies by course
Program Dates: Varies by course
Program Costs: $447 per course (discount for siblings)

Deadlines Passed

This section indicates programs whose application deadline has passed. Keep any eye out for them for next year.

IYRC STEM Winter Program

Program Grades: High school students

Delve into captivating subjects spanning Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and Aerospace led by distinguished researchers and students from Stanford University, where you'll gain unique insights into the transformative impact of science and technology on our rapidly evolving world.

Application Deadline: December 2, 2023
Program Dates: December 16, 2023 - January 6, 2024
Program Costs: $299

Research Summer Institute

Program Grades: Rising Seniors

The RSI (Research Science Institute) is a cost-free, summer science & engineering program that combines on-campus work in scientific theory with off-campus work in science and technology research.

Application Deadline: December 13, 2023
Program Dates: June 23 to August 3, 2024
Program Costs: Free

See Dr. Monson for more information.

Women's Technology Program

Program Grades: Rising Seniors

Summer residential program in which students get to experience engineering through hands-on classes, labs, and team-based projects.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2024
Program Dates: June 29 - July 27, 2024

Program Costs: Price varies depending on family income

Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program

Program Grades: Rising juniors, seniors, and college freshmen

This is a paid, full-time summer internship program where students are matched and mentored by a fisheries and aquatic science professional in their local area to enjoy a hands-on fisheries science experience in a marine and/or freshwater setting.

Application Deadline: January 16, 2024
Program Dates: June-July (32-40 hours over 8 weeks)
Program Costs: Free

Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program

Program Grades: Seniors (Bar Harbor)

The Summer Student Program is designed for students who want to immerse themselves in genetics and genomics research. Students participate in an ongoing research program with the support of an experienced scientific mentor.

Application Deadline: January 29, 2024
Program Dates: June 1, 2024 - August 10, 2024
Program Costs: $6,500 Stipend


Program Grades: Rising Seniors

Join MITES Summer for a six-week, on-campus program that immerses students from across the country in life at MIT. This national program gives you firsthand insights into the value and reward of STEM degrees and careers, while also developing the academic and personal skills you need for success.

Application Deadline: February 1, 2024
Program Dates: Late June through Early August
Program Costs: Students only pay for transportation to and from MIT for the conference.

MIT MITES Semester

Program Grades: Rising Seniors

Join MITES Semester for a six-month, hybrid learning STEM and college preparation experience. This national program will take you through engaging, rigorous online courses and weekly virtual webinars, social events, workshops, and meetings with peers in the fall.

Application Deadline: February 1, 2024
Program Dates: June to December
Program Costs: Students only pay for transportation to and from MIT for the conference.

Stanford University Mathematics Camp

Program Grades: Rising juniors and seniors

Take advanced mathematics courses at Stanford University online or on campus.

Application Deadline: February 1, 2024
Program Dates: 

Online Session 1: June 17 - July 5, 2024

Online Session 2: July 8-26, 2024

Program Costs: $3,550 online; $8,250 on campus; financial aid available

Arkansas Governor's School

Program Grades: Rising Seniors

The Arkansas Governor’s School is a four-week summer residential program for upcoming high school seniors who are residents of the state of Arkansas. Students are selected on the basis of their special aptitudes in one of the nine fields: Choral Music, Development Engineering, Drama, English/Language Arts, Instrumental Music, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, and Visual Arts.

Application Deadline: February 5, 2024
Program Dates: July 7, 2024 - August 3, 2024
Program Costs: Free

RISE Practicum at Boston University

Program Grades: Rising seniors

The six-week Practicum track gives students entering their senior year the opportunity to carry out meaningful research in a structured lab setting. Weekly workshops also introduce students to the scientific process, research ethics, reading a research paper, presenting scientific research, and networking in the scientific community.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2024
Program Dates:

Program start & residential orientation: June 30, 2024
Commuter orientation & RISE Intern orientation: July 1, 2024
Poster Symposium & end of program: August 9, 2024

Program Costs: Limited financial aid is available for the RISE program.

Application Fee: $50
Tuition: $5,350
Service Fees: $470
14 meals per week: $3,120
19 meals per week $3,426

Anson L. Clark Scholars Program

Program Grades: Must be at least 17 years old and a Junior or Senior

Get hands-on practical research experience with outstanding and experienced faculty at Texas Tech University.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
Program Dates: June 16 - August 1, 2024

Program Costs: Free with $750 stipend

Summer Science Program

Program Grades: Sophomores and Juniors (depending on program)

This is a six week immersion program where participants complete a research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry, or Genomics.

Application Deadline: February 16, 2024
Program Dates:

June 9 - July 17 (UNC Chapel Hill)
June 16 - July 24 (Univ. of Colorado and Georgia College & State Univ.)
June 23 - July 31 (New Mexico State)

June 9 - July 17 (Purdue Univ. I)
June 16 - July 24 (Purdue Univ. II and Indiana Univ.)

June 9 - July 17 (Georgetown Univ.)
June 16 - July 24 (Purdue)
June 23 – July 31 (New Mexico State)

Program Costs: $8,800; Financial aid available

High School Summer Internship Program (HS-SIP)

Program Grades: 17 years or older by June 15, 2024

HS-SIP offers students the opportunity for full-time biomedical research at NIH facilities, alongside leading scientists. See the website for eligibility criteria.

Application Deadline: February 16, 2024
Program Dates: July 2 - August 1, 2024
Program Costs: Free with stipend of $2,190 per month

Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research (SIMR) Program

Program Grades: Currently be juniors or seniors at the time of application

The Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) is a program in which high school students from diverse backgrounds are invited to perform basic research with Stanford faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students and researchers on a medically oriented project.

Application Deadline: February 24th, 2024
Program Dates: June 10, 2024 - August 1, 2024
Program Costs:

$40 application fee to apply. If selected to participate in the program, there is no cost for any student. All students are given a $500 minimum stipend. Stipends of $1500 and above are given on a needs-based system from special grants.

National Youth Science Program

Program Grades: High school graduate between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2025

The National Youth Science Camp is a residential science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics program designed to honor and challenge some of the nation's rising leaders and provide them with opportunities to engage with STEAM professionals and participate in exciting outdoor activities.

Application Deadline: February 29, 2024

Program Dates: June 29, 2024 - July 20, 2024

Program Costs: Free

Carnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Math and Science

Program Grades: Juniors

Students from underrepresented communities can come to CMU and explore STEM-related fields.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
Program Dates: June 23 - August 3, 2024
Program Costs: FREE


Program Grades: Be at least 14 years old & have completed 9th grade

The Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists is a six-week immersive program where participants practice the art of discovery through their intensive efforts to prove fundamental mathematical ideas.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024

Program Dates: June 30, 2024 – August 10, 2024

Program Costs: Financial aid available, $6,100 for the six-week residential program (FREE for domestic students whose families make under $80,000 per year)

For Math Club Students - Faculty Contacts: Mr. Grisham and Teacher Walt.


Program Grades: Current Juniors

HSHSP is a seven-week, intensive summer research program designed for motivated students from across the United States who wish to gain more experience conducting research while living on the campus of a major research-intensive university.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024

Program Dates: June 16, 2024 - August 3, 2024

Program Costs: $4000 (Scholarships based on financial needs are available)

Stony Brook University Research Program

Program Grades: High school students must be, at least 16 years old on, or before July 4, 2023

This is an intensive seven week program for high school students which combines formal instruction with independent research and allows students to design original research projects with guidance from Garcia Center faculty, students, and staff.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024

Program Dates: June 26, 2024 - August 9, 2024

Program Costs:

Laboratory usage fee: $4000
Roth Double $2436
Require Meal Plan (Flat rate) $600

Neubauer Phoenix STEM Summer Scholars (Univ. of Chicago)

Program Grades: Current Juniors who are at least 15 years old

The Neubauer Phoenix STEM Summer Program offers the opportunity for a diverse cohort of outstanding high school students with an interest in STEM-related areas to be exposed to UChicago’s distinctive approach and abundant research and academic opportunities in STEM fields.

Application Deadline: March 5, 2024

Program Dates: July 21-26, 2024

Program Costs: Free


Program Grades: Ages 13 to 18

Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students, designed to expose these students to the beauty of advanced mathematical ideas and to new ways of thinking.

Application Deadline: March 6, 2024

Program Dates: June 30, 2024 - August 4, 2024

Program Costs: The base cost for Mathcamp 2024 will be $5,500. After financial aid, the final camp fee will be between $0 and $5,500

Cross Ref w/ Teachers and top math students.

Ross Mathematics Program

Program Grades: Ages 15-18

Ross is a six-week, residential, summer session for high school students who are talented in mathematics, well prepared in standard high school math topics, and eager to explore more advanced ideas.

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024 (Applications submitted after that date might not receive full consideration)

Program Dates:

June 9, 2024 - July 19, 2024 (Otterbein University in Columbus, OH)
June 16, 2024 - July 26, 2024 (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana)

Program Costs: $7000

Pre-Health Scholars Program 

Program Grades: Graduating senior (rising college freshman)

This program provides college freshman and sophomores interested in healthcare with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of healthcare through hands-on learning, collaboration with industry leaders, and exposure to cutting-edge technology.

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
Program Dates: July 3-28, 2024
Program Costs: Free; $25 registration fee; stipend available at the end of program

Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Camp

Program Grades: Current 9th-11th graders girls and non-binary students

The Summer Immersion Program offers virtual, live two-week introductory and intermediate computer science courses.

Application Deadline:

Early acceptance applications: February 16, 2024
General acceptance applications: March 22, 2024

Program Dates: 

June 14, 2024 - June 28, 2024
July 8, 2024 - July 19, 2024
July 29, 2024 - August 9th, 2024

Program Costs: Free

Self-Paced Program

Program Grades: Current 9th-12th graders (including summer alumni and graduating seniors) girls and non-binary students

The Self-Paced Program offers flexible computer science courses for students who want to learn at their own pace and prefer not to adgere to a set schedule.

Application Deadline:

Early acceptance applications: February 16, 2024
General acceptance applications: March 22, 2024

Program Dates: July 1, 2024 - August 9, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Healthcare Education Active Learning Experience for Regional Scholars (HEALERS) Program 

Program Grades: Rising juniors and seniors

This program is for students residing in Pulaski County to gain experience in a clinical setting and to learn and ask questions about a variety of medical careers directly from professionals in the field.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2024
Program Dates: June 3-14, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Pre-College High School Summer Scholars Program at WashU

Program Grades: Juniors

The High School Summer Scholars Program allows students to have the opportunity to enroll in courses for credit and study alongside undergraduates.

Application Deadline:

Early Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
Regular Application Deadline: April 1, 2024

Program Dates: June 9, 2024 - July 13, 2024
Program Costs: Need-based scholarship assistance is available.

One credit course: $7,785
Two credit courses: $11,325

High School Summer Launch at WashU

Program Grades: Current Freshman or Sophomore

High School Summer Launch is a one-week noncredit program designed to challenge and inspire students through innovative lectures, workshops, and seminars.

Application Deadline: April 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 28, 2024 - August 3, 2024
Program Costs: $1,385 (Need-based scholarship assistance is available)

High School Summer Institutes at WashU

Program Grades: Current Sophomore or Junior

High School Summer Institutes allow students to discover a new passion, or dive deeper into an existing one, through a noncredit, interdisciplinary environment. The 2024 institute themes include: Ancient Studies, Creative Immersion, Healthcare Continuum, Environmental Studies, and Research Development.

Application Deadline: April 1, 2024
Program Dates: July 14-27, 2024.
Program Costs: $3,185 (Need-based scholarship assistance is available)

St. Bernards Medical Center's Junior Volunteer Program

Program Grades: 15-18 years old

This program allows students an opportunity to work in a hospital setting where they will explore careers, gain experience, and help others.

Application Deadline: April 4, 2024
Program Dates: July 10-26, 2024
Program Costs: Free

USDA - AgDiscovery Program at UAPB

Program Grades: 8th-11th Grades

AgDiscovery is a summer outreach program to help students learn about careers in animal science, veterinary medicine, agribusiness, regulatory science and plant pathology.

Application Deadline: April 5, 2024
Program Dates: June 8–21, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Life Launch @ Hendrix

Program Grades: Rising Juniors and Seniors

Life Launch features mentoring and teaching from Hendrix College faculty and staff as well as professionals in their fields. Students get to explore college life, future possibilities, and how to navigate roadblocks.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2024

Program Dates: June 9-14, 2024
Program Costs: Families may choose the tuition amount that is most suitable for them. Regardless of what amount you choose, the amenities, activities, and experiences are the same.

Deposit: A minimum $500 deposit for tuition is required at registration (there is NO COST to apply)
$900 (discounted rate for those who choose to pay less)
$1,200 (partially discounted rate for those who choose to pay a little more)
$1,500 (most closely reflects the full cost of the program)

Loyola Marymount University Pre-College Program 

Program Grades: 9th-12th grade

Take non-credit or college credit courses for 2-4 weeks at Loyola Marymount University. Students can choose between online or on-campus courses.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2024
Program Dates: Varies by course
Program Costs: $65 application fee

Credit classes, on-campus: $10,000

Non-credit, on-campus: $5,800

Online, non-credit: $2,300

TCU Neeley Analytics Academy

Program Grades: Rising Juniors & Seniors

Hosted by the TCU Neeley School of Business, the Analytics Academy is a highly competitive, one-week residential program that provides high school students with hands-on experience and opportunities to learn and hone their data analytics and market research skills.

Application Deadline: April 19, 2024
Program Dates: July 7-12, 2024
Program Costs: $1,500 (Need-based scholarships are available)

AI Robotics & Ethics AEGIS Camp 

Program Grades: Rising 10th-12th grade

This is a camp where students engage with AR and robotics topics in popular culture through movies and short stories to understand the moral and ethical dimension of this rapidly developing technology.

Application Deadline: April 19, 2024
Program Dates: June 17-21, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Arkansas Summer Research Institute (ASRI)

Program Grades: At least 16 years old (exceptions have been made for ASMSA students)

The ASRI is an amazing opportunity for high school students as well as undergraduate students who are interested in scientific research, statistical analysis, and "big data" analytics.

Application Deadline: Application Open Date and Deadline: April 20th of each year.
Program Dates: May 30, 2024 - June 17, 2024
Program Costs: Free

Project H.E.A.R.T.

Program Grades: Rising juniors & seniors

A free, 4-day overnight program for building careers in healthcare.

Application Deadline: April 24, 2024
Program Dates: June 5-8 (at Henderson State University, Arkadelphia); June 9-12 (at NYITCOM at A-State, Jonesboro)
Program Costs: Free


Program Grades: High school students

MathILy is an intensive residential summer program for mathematically excellent secondary students. In MathILy classes, instructors provide the framework and you get to make (and prove!) the conjectures.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2024 (After that point, applications will be considered they have any space left)
Program Dates: June 30, 2024 - August 3, 2024
Program Costs: $5300 or $1060/week (All financial aid is based entirely on need)

Engineering Scholars Program 

Program Grades: 8th-11th grade

This residential program exposes students to hands-on engineering projects, plant trips, and interaction with industry engineers.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2024
Program Dates: June 16-22, 2024
Program Costs: Free