Science Contests

Please use this information as a planning guide of various programs and tentative application dates. If you are aware of any additional programs we can add to our list to maximize student possibilities please forward to Here is a list of science fairs, contests, and publication opportunities with approximate deadlines and links for more information see Dr. Monson. 

** The deadlines for red highlights have already past and will be updated after they publish their 2025 dates/costs. Please familiarize yourself with available programs so you can identify your interest, know the requirements, and be ready to apply when application is published and/or comes back around the following year.

Journal of Emerging Investigators

Program Grades: High school students

Mentors can submit a student paper to this journal for mentoring and publication. All hypothesis-driven experimental research is acceptable.

Rolling Applications

Program Costs: $35 Submission Fee

SLU EXPeriential Learning Program

Program Grades: Varies

Please click on the link to view various internships, scholarships opportunities, competitions and other opportunities. Check the website for your particular interest to get more information about dates and deadlines.

Various Rolling Deadlines

Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair
Program Grades: High school students

Students may present work that includes no more than 12 months of continuous research, and they may not include research performed more than 18 months before the Regeneron ISEF in which they will be competing. Students qualify for ISEF by winning one of the overall awards at the WCRSF or ARSSEF.

Program Dates: May 11-17, 2024

See Dr. Monson for more information.

Regeneron Science Talent Search
Program Grades: Seniors

Students can submit their completed independent research projects. Some projects require documentation of compliance with the ISEF rules. All projects require online submission of a research paper, essays, and recommendations from the project mentor, school counselor, and teachers.

Application Deadline: November 7, 2024 (The application will re-open for the 2025 cycle on June 1, 2024)

Science Bowl

Program Grades: High school students

Science bowl is STEM-oriented trivia contest similar to Quiz Bowl but with only science and math topics. Regional Competition Duration January - March 2024. The Regional Competition Duration is between January and March 2024. The National Science Bowl National Event is April 25 – 29, 2024.

Application Deadline: December 1, 2023

Program Dates:

Regional Competition Duration: January - March 2024
The National Science Bowl National Event is April 25–29, 2024

See our Team Sponsor, Dr. Hollandsworth for more information.

Vanderbilt's Young Scientist Journal

Program Grades: High school students

Students can submit their original research and be eligible to appear on Vanderbilt's Young Scientist publication. Experts in an array of fields will examine, review, and critique your work.

Application Deadline: December 1, 2024 (Opens November 1, 2024)

Deadlines Passed

This section indicates contests whose deadline has passed. Keep any eye out for them for next year.

Solve for Tomorrow
Program Grades: High school students

Students research and develop a project to use technology to solve a problem in their community. Students must be part of a team working with a teacher as a class, but any STEM teacher can act as a mentor.

Application Deadline: October 27, 2023

National Stem Challenge

Program Grades: High school students

Craft a STEM project that tackles a real-world challenge. The best projects from all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories will become Challenge Finalists with the opportunity to advance to the next level by submitting a video in the second round.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

National Stem Challenge

Program Grades: High school students

Craft a STEM project that tackles a real-world challenge. The best projects from all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories will become Challenge Finalists with the opportunity to advance to the next level by submitting a video in the second round.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

The Soy Scholarship

Program Grades: Seniors (The student must be a child or grandchild of a current state soybean association/ASA member)

The Soy Scholarship is a $7,000, one-time award for a senior who plans to pursue agriculture as an area of study at any accredited college or university in the 2024-25 academic year.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2023


Program Grades: High school students

Students take a skills test and then compete in a design challenge. Juniors from the Engineering Capstone class must enter, but other ASMSA students are allowed to join with them to create teams. All costs are covered by ASMSA.

Application Deadline: Registration Closes January 18, 2024

Program Dates: The 2024 TEAMS state competition window is February 1 through March 1, 2024.

See Mr. Thompson for more information.

Junior Sciences & Humanities Symposium (JSHS)

Program Grades: High school students

JSHS invites high school students to report on the results of their original research investigations in STEM and compete for scholarships and recognition at university-held regional symposia.

Application Deadline: January 28, 2024
Program Dates: February 23-24, 2024

See Dr. Holden or Dr. Krakowiak for more information.

West Central Regional Science Fair

Program Grades: High school students

Open to any ASMSA Student. STEM Capstone students are required to compete here in their senior year, but they are encouraged to compete as both juniors and seniors.

Application Deadline: February 7, 2024
Program Dates: February 22-23, 2024

See Dr. Monson for more information.

Davidson Institute Fellows Scholarship
Program Grades: 18 or younger as of the application deadline

The scholarship is given to projects that demonstrate significant work with a chance to better society in science, technology, math, philosophy, and music. The Davidson Institute is looking for students whose projects are at, or close to, the college graduate level with a depth of knowledge in their particular area of study.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2024

Arkansas Science & Engineering Fair
Program Grades: High school students

The Arkansas State Science and Engineering Fair is a state competition that encourages students to meet and present their research through oral explanations of their poster presentations. Students must qualify for this fair by placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their category in the WCRSF.

Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
Program Dates: March 29-30, 2024

National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Program Grades: High school students

This competition starts with a regional contest similar to a quiz bowl but with all the questions related to the study of the oceans and their environment. Winners of regional contests have the opportunity to advance to the national level contest.

Application Deadline: February or March

See Dr. Lindsey Waddell for more information.

Brain Bee
Program Grades: High school students

The Brain Bee starts with a local competition in the form of an exam over brain and neuroscience facts. Local winners can advance to state and national level contests.

Application Deadline: February or March
Program Dates: USA National Brain Bee Championship is held on April 19-21, 2024

See Dr. Jack Waddell for more information.