CS & Robotics

Please use this information as a planning guide of various programs and tentative application dates. If you are aware of any additional programs we can add to our list to maximize student possibilities please forward to conleya@asmsa.org.

** The deadlines for red highlights have already past and will be updated after they publish their 2025 dates/costs. Please familiarize yourself with available programs so you can identify your interest, know the requirements, and be ready to apply when application is published and/or comes back around the following year.

Congressional App Challenge

Program Grades: High school students

The Congressional App Challenge is the most prestigious prize in student computer science. Students use any programming language to design a new app. Students may register as individuals or as teams of up to four.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2024

Program Dates: The competition will launch in late Spring 2024

See Mr. Seward for more information.

BEST Robotics Competition

Program Grades: High school students

The BEST Robotics Competition is a national six-week robotics competition held in the fall. Teams design and build a machine that can perform certain, specific tasks in three minutes.

See Mr. Seward for more information.

VEX Robotics Competition

Program Grades: High school students

Teams build, design, program, and compete with their robots at tournaments held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels.

See Mr. Seward for more information.

picoCTF 2024

Program Grades: High school students

This is a two-week long CTF competition. Competitors have to reverse-engineer, break, hack, decrypt, and think creatively and critically to solve the challenges and capture digital flags. Challenges increase in difficulty as players progress. Programming knowledge is recommended.

Program Dates: March 12-26, 2024

Air Force Association Cyber Patriot

Program Grades: High school students

Teams of high school and middle school students take on the role of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. Teams are given a set of virtual operating systems and must find and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities while maintaining critical services.

Application Deadline: October 3, 2023

Program Costs: $205

See Mr. Seward for more information.

National Robotics Challenge

Program Grades: High school students

The National Robotics Challenge is composed of twelve contest categories. A robot may only be entered in one contest category per year, unless otherwise noted in a contest category section of this manual.

Application Deadline: February 23, 2024

Program Dates: April 18-20, 2024

Program Costs: $85 per team/school plus $15 per robot