Our Partners in Education 

Please use this information as a planning guide of a few of our local business that are ASMSA's Partners in Education. If interested, please contact Ms. Adrienne Conley for further discussions, matching and application process. If you are aware of any additional programs that we can add to our list to maximize student possibilities, please forward to conleya@asmsa.org.

Banking/Computer Programming - Hot Springs and Some Remote Work

This partnership is designed for those students who have an interest in finance and/or cybersecurity to have the opportunity to possibly shadow some of their departments and/or participate in a remote computer/cybersecurity summer internship.

• Arvest Bank

Contact:  conleya@asmsa.org for more information

Healthcare - Hot Springs

This partnership is designed for those students who have an interest in healthcare to have the opportunity to possibly shadow some of their departments of interest and partake in real-life experiences.

• CHI Hospital
• National Park Medical Center

Contact:  conleya@asmsa.org for more information

Healthcare - Little Rock

ASMSA students have an opportunity to participate in hands-on research at UAMS, free of charge, during the year (Wednesday and Friday afternoons) and in the summer. Currently, students from the Life Science Capstone apply and are selected based on merit to be placed in a laboratory researching the latest breakthroughs in molecular biology and cancer research using state-of-the art equipment and biotechnology. Students develop critical thinking skills, grow their curiosity and creativity, and become more persistent while solving problems and finding solutions that prepares them for a lifetime of innovative research and medicine.

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)

Contact:  krakowiakp@asmsa.org for more information

Various Roles - Little Rock

This partnership is designed to assist students in multiple disciplines. They have a variety of business partners and business needs. Their summer projects provide hands on experience for students to contribute and learn on multi-facets and partake and add value in real-life experiences.

• Momentum Labs - (Computer Sciences/Programming, Marketing, Graphic Designs, Gaming)

Contact:  conleya@asmsa.org for more information